Bodypainting artists conquer Africa


1st Equatorial Guinea Bodypainting Festival

Africa is known for its art. African wood carvings in particular have taken a firm place in our memories.

Admittedly. Body painting is also nothing new on this continent. People have been painted here for thousands of years. Since time immemorial, countless tribes have firmly established this form of body art from simple ritual paintings and sun protection colors made from earth muds.

In our modern age, the importance of rituals has faded into the background. Free art, the fun of experimenting and the commercial use of artists determine the image of contemporary body painting. For many people it has become a leisure activity and the new media enable worldwide communication with like-minded people.

More and more events are establishing themselves and attracting painters from all over the world to come together for a colorful get-together.

For the first time, however, an African country is now calling for an international meeting of body painters. Malabo National Park, Equatorial Guinea, will be the scene of the body painting world from January 12 to 20, 2019.

Of course, we will also have artists on site and will report here.

Artists on the road

The journey is unusually long for many artists. Flights with several transfers and over time zones. That can quickly add up to 20 hours of travel time on the clock. How nice when the first tour groups form there and the artists arrive together. We have just received the first picture of Maike Karrer(Tenerife), Yasmina Jacinto(Tenerife) and Erasmo Daaz(Senjo Color Spain, Malaga) from Unterwegs.

maike karrer yasmina jacinto erasmo daaz on the journey to Malabo

First dinner in Malabo. The artists arrive one by one.

Bodypainting Artists first lunch meeting Malabo

The feedback on the festival is huge. We have received countless pictures. Once everything has been viewed, we will continue the article.

Event Info
The annual Equatorial Guinea Bodypainting festival,
Body art, Face art, Make-up and Accessories.
Shows, Parades and Workshops by world-wide famous artists

Malabo Amusement Park,
Equatorial Guinea / Equatorial Guinea

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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