Senjo Color Team now 24/7 – Senjo Bot live

Senjo Bot - der 24/7 Service Kollege von Senjo Color

I have some exciting news to share with you:
Team Senjo Color is proud of its newest digital employee: the Senjo Bot.

As a learning ChatBot, it is now available for you around the clock on our blog,
to answer questions and inspire.

It is more than just a simple ChatBot – it is a virtual advisor designed specifically for the
needs and questions of body painting artists and enthusiasts.

Why Senjo Bot?

We know that creativity knows no opening hours. Your ideas and projects often arise
spontaneously and safely, even outside our business hours. With the Senjo Bot, we want to ensure
that you get support around the clock – whether it’s product information or application tips.

How does the Senjo Bot work?

It’s simple: use the input form in the language of your choice.
The Senjo Bot is and will be continuously trained to answer all your questions in the best possible way.
From detailed questions about the color palette to tips for special applications and body painting techniques.

Exclusively for testing in the Senjo Color Blog

We cordially invite you to test the new colleague extensively and give us your feedback.
Your opinion and experiences are important to us in order to continuously improve the Senjo Bot and adapt it to your needs.
Forgive him if he is sometimes not yet perfect. He is still young 🙂

Senjo Bot 24/7 colleague learning

What can you expect in the future?

In future, you will find the Senjo Bot in the bottom right-hand corner. After clicking on the chat icon, you can then ask your questions. Until then, he’ll just stay here 😉

The Senjo Bot is just the beginning. We are constantly working on expanding our digital offerings to provide you with the best possible support.
So stay tuned for more updates and innovations from Senjo Color!

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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