Experience Senjo Color 2024 in a new way: Faster and more creative – your platform, your voice

Senjo Color 2024 Community

Welcome to the new age of Senjo-color.de – faster, more dynamic and full of creative possibilities! We’re proud to introduce you to our newly updated platform, which is now ready to put your art and your voice front and center.

Team Senjo Color knows that body art is more than just paint on skin – it’s a passion that combines creativity, talent and community. That’s why we go beyond simply offering colors. We are committed to supporting artists in their projects, promoting their events and sponsoring interesting projects.

Faster and more content

With our latest update, we have not only improved the speed of Senjo-color.de, but also expanded the range of content. From in-depth interviews with interesting artists to regular updates on the latest trends in body art. Everything you need to stay inspired and informed. Practical tips and tricks, detailed tutorials and the latest news from the body art scene are designed to encourage your passion for body art.

Support for artists: more than just colors

We know that there is a story, a vision and a dream behind every brushstroke. That’s why we strive to support artists not only with the best paints, but also with resources, advice and encouragement. Whether you’re working on a big project or want to bring a small idea to life, we’re here to help.

Events and workshops: The stage is yours

The body art scene thrives on its events and workshops. These are not only a platform for artists to showcase their skills, but also a great opportunity to learn, network and be inspired. Senjo-color.de is proud to sponsor and promote a variety of events. We are always on the lookout for interesting events that we can support – be it by providing our products or by promoting them on our social media.

Your opinion counts: Share your ideas and projects with us

Our community is the heart of Senjo-color.de. We invite you to become part of this creative family. Leave a comment, send us an e-mail and share your thoughts, ideas and projects with us. Every voice is important and we look forward to hearing more about your work and your vision.

We are here to foster a community, support talent and shape the world of body art together. Share your ideas, be part of our projects and let’s shape the future of body art together.
Share your visions, use our resources and let’s shape the future of body art together.

Leave your comment here, or send us an e-mail.
Your team from Senjo Color.de

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit Theatermakeup.de versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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