Werewolf Bodypainting Shooting


Werewolf bodypainting with Silke Kirchhoff

Silke Kirchhoff (bodypainter) and Frank Dobbert (photographer) staged their Wehrwolf with bodypainting.

The werewolf is popular for Halloween, zombie walks and similar events. The transformation of a human into a werewolf is one of the oldest myths of mankind and has been a popular motif since ancient times.

Silke and Frank staged this motif professionally.

Silke has been working with Senjo Color paints for several years and has developed very well artistically in recent years. Further information about Silke Kirchhoff on her website: http://www.kuenstlerei-kirchhoff.de/

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit Theatermakeup.de versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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