Steampunk bodypainting


Last Saturday we were able to take part in a real journey through time at the SenjoLoft. The destination was a parallel world characterized by steaming cogwheel gears, flirtatious models in chic vests, wondrous pocket watches, old gas lamps and a consuming romance of invention.

At the helm of the time machine are two wonderful bodypainting artists: Peter and Petra Tronser. They opened the portal to the steampunk universe with their body paintings.


The loft was dominated by wondrous shades of brown and bronze. No color explosions. The lonely tomato, abandoned after breakfast, glowed flushed.
The air was filled with an atmosphere of adventure, old knowledge and risky experiments.

Petra’s steampunk magic brush

Step by step, Petra’s magic brush drew a corset, fingerless gloves and dedicated the last brushstroke to a collar on Model Olga’s neck. The golden skirt and the top hat adorned with sweat goggles complete the figure of the typical adventure-seeking woman of the Victorian era. It is very possible that we will see Princess Anna Valerious from Transylvania. The only thing missing is Professor Abraham Van Helsing, who is in love with her. Surely he is very close. Somewhere in the parallel sphere…


Peter’s compressed air magic

The walk through time finally brought us to Peter Tronser’s painting space. Amazing things happened here too: using only compressed air, Senjo-Color paint and a few Senjo-Color stencils, Peter created a fascinating mechanical woman from the depths of steam fantasy! In 5 hours, model Nadine is transformed into a magnificent, living machine made of all kinds of cogwheels and deco elements from bygone times.

Old compressors with various wrenches are given a life of their own by Nadine’s magical, iron hands. “Man tremble, your time is over! The machines are taking over!”

A strong Steam team!



Unfortunately, the sun had to set here too at some point. And the Senjo-Color team had to say goodbye to Princess Anna Valerious aka Nadine & Co. They have to go back to the 19th century. Or whatever this fantastic copy of it is called.
A heartfelt “Auf Wiedersehen” also to Petra and Peter Tronser. We look forward to more trips with you!

Where will the time machine take us next? And who will be at the wheel this time? You can look forward to it. We will let you know.

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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