Easter bodypainting in the SenjoLoft


SenjoLoft Berlin

We have now been at home in our loft for 4 weeks. So it was time to invite a few cool painters to the first jam session.

Senjo-Color Easter-Bodypainting-Jam-Session-2017

The artists at the first Senjo-Color bodypainting jam session proved that Easter is not just about looking for eggs and eating cake, and above all they enjoyed it.

Three artists lived out their talents in three completely different art forms. Janny Cierpka wielded her paintbrush to create picturesque impressions. Enrico Lein impressed with his 3D effects made of latex and Micha Joos went into great detail.
Thanks to our photo freak Hannes, we were also able to fry everything on celluloid, er… chip, and document it for posterity.

The Easter theme was actually of secondary importance. But in the end we were still able to save the quota with two Easter bunny motifs.

easter bunny bodypainting enrico lein senjo color
Enrico’s Easter bunny
Graffiti Bodypainting Bunny by Micha Joos
Graffiti Bodypainting Bunny by Micha Joos

It’s still pretty colorless, but okay, it was still in the middle….

Janny really wanted her model to become one with the background. She wrapped Alexander in “the colorful black” of the molleton and literally turned him to stone.

Janny Statue Bodypainting Senjocolor

Body painting couldn’t be more different. 3 artists, three styles. Or is it somehow?

We are already looking forward to the next artists in the #SenjoLoft. To exciting paintings and shootings. Senjo-Color sometimes gets under your skin….

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit Theatermakeup.de versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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