Children’s make-up course February 2019 with Silke Kirchhoff


Addendum: | Report from the workshop |


On 02.02.2019, beginners and advanced children’s make-up artists will get their money’s worth. Make-up professional Silke Kirchhoff will show you quick and effective techniques.

It looks so easy when the nice woman does the child’s make-up in the tutorial, but when you try it, it just doesn’t work like that? Do you feel like you need far too long to apply make-up to a child’s face? You finally want to know what you can use this brush and that sponge for? Then you’ve come to the right place.

A course for anyone who wants to learn how to make up children quickly and effectively. Basic knowledge is also taught. From registration to material science, there is a theoretical foray into the world of children’s make-up. The practical part includes exercises on basic techniques and the use of brushes, sponges and the like.

The most popular masks are recreated and new ideas are presented.

02.02.2019 – 10.00-17.00 hrs

Price: 119,00 € p.p.

Location: Senjo Color loft, Lübarser Str. 40-46, 13435 Berlin

Register directly via

As the number of participants is limited, please register quickly and secure your place 😉

Senjo-Academy Facepainting

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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