Bodypainting starlight hours


The days are getting shorter and shorter, body painting is only on the program again in the new year…

Finally time to try something new again. What could be better than creating something Christmassy? If the models don’t want to be painted again until spring, something else can be used.
How about your own poinsettia?

Peter’s craft tip for Christmas: Bodypainting vintage poinsettia

After some rummaging, I found a few silver-colored poinsettias that were no longer so pretty. They don’t really go with anything anymore.
Poinsettia silver bright
But with a logo on it, it could be something…
So I fired up the laser and conjured up a logo. Can you also use a brush/airbrush etc.? That’s right. You can do that too 😉

Star with laser-engraved Senjo Color logo
Looks kind of boring? Hmm…. Let’s give it a vintage look then!
So I picked up some black Senjo Color bodypainting paints and off we go.
Senjo Christmas star painting
Apply a nice thick coat of black paint to the corners and then spread evenly. And because it’s cosmetic color, I can paint it on with my fingers. Works great!
Vintage poinsettia being polished
After a short drying time, the star is polished and immediately shines in its new, old vintage look!

It really puts you in the mood for MORE. Let’s see what else I can get my hands on. As my little tree in the SenjoLoft has room for several stars, I’ll be busy with it for a while yet. Once you’ve started it, you want it to be finished. So let’s get to it. I’ll carry on then.

Greetings from the SenjoLoft

Senjo Color poinsettia on the tree

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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