23rd World Bodypainting Festival WBF 2020 postponed to 2021


23rd WBF will be postponed !

Organizer Alex Barendregt currently announced. Our bodypainting highlight of the year is canceled this year…

World Bodypainting Festival stage with the SFX winners

This is a clear and important decision in times of Corona Covid-19. When bodypainters from all over the world come together, it’s all about togetherness. An exchange of the best, getting to know the newcomers in the industry.
Everyone should stay healthy and use the time for creative ideas.

Alex writes about this in his blog:

The current difficult times are forcing us to make decisions that are not easy for us. As in many countries around the world, measures are currently being taken against the further spread of the Corona Covid19 virus, including in Austria. On April 6, the federal government announced that NO events and gatherings may take place in public spaces until AT LEAST the end of June. Further evaluation is ongoing and we will only know at a later date under what conditions there will be events from July onwards. On the one hand, these are too vague statements; on the other hand, the situation is even more difficult in many countries, meaning that travel may not be possible as usual for a long time into the summer.
We are 100% behind the measures and the health of all participants and visitors, sponsors and partners and of course the entire festival crew has the highest priority in all our considerations. Due to the international nature of the company, information is also provided at this point in time without further delay.

Alex Barendregt, Organizer World Bodypainting Festival

And probably the most important message for all of us:

WBF Alex Barendregt

We therefore announce to postpone the 23rd World Bodypainting Festival to next year, from July 11 – 17, 2021. The main days will take place from July 15 – 17, 2021 at Goethepark Klagenfurt.

Senjo Color has also been hit hard. But it is also an incentive for us. A return to the good old days. And an inspiration to build a damn colorful time after the Corona pandemic.

WBF 2019 Senjo Color tent

We are looking forward to a bodypainting festival, for which we now have a year more time to prepare.

That was the WBF 2019: https://senjo-color.de/wbf2019-world-bodypainting-festival/

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit Theatermakeup.de versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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