Make-up for children – the next generation of body painters


As part of the

4th Heringsdorf Bodypainting Festival 2016

a children’s make-up competition was held last Friday under the motto “Neptune’s sunken worlds”. The children painted their faces with Neptune’s diversity and proudly presented themselves on stage.

The jury consisted of local children and professional face painters.

The children were well prepared and some of them had designs with them. Professional make-up artists supported the children and parents in the realization.

Children make up Children stand on the stage

The winners were then presented with their prizes by


from Berlin in the spotlight of the Heringsdorf concert shell.
children's make-up stage with rumpelstil in heringsdorf 2016
Not only the parents of the participating children were proud of their offspring. The municipal administration of the Kaiserbäder was also impressed by the response to this event. “It was simply fantastic…and gets better every year,” said Dr. Lehmann from the spa administration.
The organizers, Fisch Domke (catering) and Senjo Color (artist organization) also want to repeat this program item at the Heringsdorf Bodypanting Festival 2017 in any case.
About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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