How Jörg Düsterwald combines body painting and nature art: fascinating insights

Im Rahmen seines Bodypainting-Kunstprojektes NATURE ART styled der Bodyart-Künstler Jörg Düsterwald sein Aktmodell Tatjana so mit Körperfarbe, dass sie mit der Kulisse verschmilzt, Mensch und Natur ineinander übergehen. Fotograf Hendrik Penschuck hält die Performance im Gelände am Lappwaldsee bei Helmstedt fotografisch fest. Harbke am 11. Mai 2022
Im Rahmen seines Bodypainting-Kunstprojektes NATURE ART styled der Bodyart-Künstler Jörg Düsterwald sein Aktmodell Tatjana so mit Körperfarbe, dass sie mit der Kulisse verschmilzt, Mensch und Natur ineinander übergehen. Fotograf Hendrik Penschuck hält die Performance im Gelände am Lappwaldsee bei Helmstedt fotografisch fest. Harbke am 11. Mai 2022

Today we immerse ourselves in the colorful world of Jörg Düsterwald, a true master of his trade. Düsterwald, not just a name but a brand in the art scene, manages to merge body painting and nature art into a breathtaking symbiosis. In his studio in Hamelin, which looks more like a creative enchanted forest than a workplace, he creates works that would honestly blow up any Instagram feed!

Atelier Jörg Düsterwald – Where art meets nature

Imagine a place where man and nature not only coexist, but merge. This is exactly what happens in Düsterwald’s studio in Hamelin, Lower Saxony. Here we don’t just paint – here nature comes to life! Düsterwald’s Nature Art projects are not only an ode to the beauty of nature, but also an invitation to see nature with different eyes – through the lens of art.

This is where entire bodypainting artworks and ideas for trips into nature with bodypainting are created. It smells of wood and paint here. A person who loves colors, nature and people lives here.

Illustrated book: BODYPAINTING IN NATURE – Colorful symbioses

A work that tells the journey of a lifetime

BODYPAINTING IN NATURE is more than an illustrated book; it is Jörg Düsterwald’s visual diary. It is like leafing through page after page of the chapters of his life – each painting a moment, each color an emotion, each brushstroke a step on his artistic path. This book is not just a collection of pictures, it is the testimony of a life dedicated to art.

Photo book

From his early beginnings to his latest masterpieces, the illustrated book offers a deep insight into the development and growth of an extraordinary talent. Each page tells its own story, each color reveals a different facet of his artistic spirit. This illustrated book is a true feast for the senses and a tribute to the art of body painting and nature art.
The whole article: Photo book Bodypainting in Nature

Interview with bodypainter Jörg Düserwald

In dialog about his art and passion

An exclusive interview with the master of color. Düsterwald gives us an insight into his creative world of thought. He talks about his inspirations, the challenges of body painting and the deep meaning of Nature Art.

Bodyart artist Jörg Düsterwald is present when his photo book Bodypainting in Nature - Colorful Symbioses is completed for his art project Nature Art in the Integralis bookbindery. Hanover on October 20, 2023

His passion for art and nature is infectious. His first works are inspiring. He reveals how he ensures the premium quality of his works and how his deep connection to nature influences his work.
Article: The unabridged interview with Jörg Düsterwald

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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