Creature face painting session for Halloween


Hard to believe. Halloween is just two months away! The spookiest time of the year with all its myths once again casts its spell over us.

Make-up ideas for Halloween 2018

Countless parties and social media campaigns tempt us to put on make-up and dress up again. Of course, a successful transformation also requires the right make-up idea. This was created spontaneously at Senjoloft last night. Airbrush artist Micha Joos from southern Germany came to visit with model Philomena and what happens when people with lots of colorful ideas come together again?

Senjoloft painting joos creature 07030

It was to be an undead creature. A simple face painting with a brush and airbrush. Senjo-Color paints, fake blood and contact lenses waited patiently to be used on Philomena’s face. Micha Joos is known for his freehand airbrush paintings. On his website you can get an impression of the diversity and quality.

Halloween creature shoot

Yesterday we were still shooting late into the night to preserve the creature in the right light for Halloween eternity.

Is it a skull or a black and white pumpkin face? Somehow it has a bit of both. We are already super excited to see what zombies, pumpkins, witches, fairies and countless other make-up ideas will be created for Halloween 2018.

If you still need some material, you can also have a look at and equip yourself with the appropriate specials.

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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