Illustrated book: Bodypainting in Nature – Colorful Symbioses by Jörg Düsterwald

Cover fotobildband nature art bodypainting jörg düsterwald

Immerse yourself in ‘Bodypainting in Nature’ by Jörg Düsterwald, a thick illustrated book full of inspiration.
On almost 300 pages, Düsterwald brings to life a colorful world in which body art and nature exist in harmonious symbiosis.
Each work tells its own story, captivating both the eye and the soul.

Photo book

A kaleidoscope of body art

Imagine: A book that not only has pages, but also a soul. “Bodypainting in Nature” by Jörg Düsterwald is just that – an almost 300-page illustrated book that presents a colorful symbiosis of man and nature in breathtaking body art. It is an excerpt from the artist’s life that lets you experience the creation of many bodypainting creations up close.

From idea to reality: a creative process

Jörg’s journey begins with an idea that is as clear and vivid as if it came straight out of a dream. Each work of art in this book is a conversation between body and nature, conducted with brush and paint. But how do you transform a fleeting idea into a tangible work of art? It was a process that took years. This is where Jörg’s talent comes into play, bringing life, form and color into harmony.

As part of his body painting art project NATURE ART, body artist Jörg Düsterwald styles his nude model Daniela with body paint in such a way that she merges with the scenery, merging human and nature. Photographer Tschiponnique Skupin captures the performance in the riverbed of the Chemnitz near the Saxon town of Schweizerthal. August 22, 2020

In the interview, he reveals that it was not always easy to produce such a work single-handedly. Today, he looks back on this process with pride.

Challenges: The path to the finished illustrated book

The challenge of creating such an extensive work should not be underestimated. Jörg talks about the difficulties and joys involved in creating this work. From conception to completion in the print shop – it’s a journey full of dedication and passion.

photobook natureart bodypainting table of contents

Where can you buy this masterpiece?

“Bodypainting in Nature” is a treasure that you can purchase directly from Atelier Jörg Düsterwald. So directly from the source. This way you can support the artist directly.

BODYPAINTING IN NATURE – Colorful symbioses
Man & Nature I A Nature Art body art project by Atelier Jörg Düsterwald
Author and publisher: Atelier Jörg Düsterwald
1st edition: 2023 | Hardcover with dust jacket
305x225x28 mm landscape format I 292 pages
Distribution: Atelier Jörg Düsterwald, Hamelin
ISBN: 978-3-9823439-3-8

Published in an exclusive, initially limited first edition since fall 2023.
Special copies with personal handwritten artist signature and, on request, with individual dedication.

Order page:

A source of inspiration

For bodypainting artists and art lovers alike, this book is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. With background stories, statements from those involved, making-of photos and outtakes, it offers a unique insight into the world of body art.

Conclusion: A feast for the eyes and the soul

Jörg Düsterwald himself says he can’t get enough of the pictures – and we agree! “Bodypainting in Nature” is a visual feast, a book that you will want to pick up again and again to enjoy the beauty and variety of body art.

Bodyart artist Jörg Düsterwald is present when his photo book Bodypainting in Nature - Colorful Symbioses is completed for his art project Nature Art in the Integralis bookbindery. Hanover on October 20, 2023

Take a look at the video “Book production photo book BODYPAINTING IN NATURE – Colorful Symbioses | by Atelier Jörg Düsterwald” to get an even deeper insight into this fascinating project.

About Senjo Peter 306 Articles
Seit 1992 in der Welt der Körperfarben unterwegs. Mit versorgte ich die ersten Bodypainting Künstlerfreunde mit Farben seit 1998. Bis 2009 endlich die Marke Senjo Color daraus geboren wurde.

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